“My Golf Lab Experience”
I am a full time club fitter and technology geek based in Paris France. I first heard of the Golf Lab on social media with their articles on club heads and CG locations. I have also been following Liam for a while with his educational courses with Foresight. At the time i was about to set up my new fitting center and I felt that there was something missing from my sessions and that is what drew me to looking into what these guys are doing. Basically there are no seminars or training courses for club fitters or at least none that go this deep.My fitting center in Paris.
What was very conforting is that i found myself surrounded by a whole room of golf geeks. Its very rare to be able to talk about some of club fittings subtilitees without drawing a look of complete incomprehension. No such problem here ! The 2 day course was exactly what i was looking for. The 3 major things i took away and now use in all of my sessions are :
1/ The driver Speedset
This 34 driver shaft system has changed the way i work. I have different shaft lengths, different shaft weights, different flexes and grip sizes and nothing written on the shafts that could influence the player. This system completly simplifies driver fitting. After 30 to 50 minutes of testing you have a blueprint for length, weight, flex/ profil and grip size. Depending on the desired trajectory and playabilty, all that is left to do is to choose the appropriate head from 2/3 options. The system really gets the player involved, as the results are clear to see. The ball speed is key and when everything is dialed in, you can get some huge progression.
The Speedset.
2/ GearsGolf
I had been looking at Gears for the last couple of years, but had never been able really justify needing it to myself. Watching Liam and Carson using it in a pure fitting situation convinced me to make the jump. Being able to see exactly what is happening to the shaft, seeing the result on the club and ball data totally justifies its use. As always technology is only useful if you know how to use it and what to look for. The information from the Golf Lab training has definitely put me on the right track. Looking at the effects of deflexion, twist and droop on the club data, the swing data and ball data is a game changer. Basically without this sort of information its guesswork. Going further into the effects of the club on the body data and vise versa is the next step.
3/ Club specification data base
This one is huge ! Knowing the exact club head characteristics from most major brands makes life a lot easier for a club fitter. Apart from appealing to my geekyness, the choice of club head following the Speedset session is made so much simpler. Knowing CG locations, static loft or MOI characteristics is a must for narrowing down the options.
I highly recommend the Golf Lab certification courses. These guys are good, really good. #suckless #golflabcertified
John Lawson